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This page is designed to allow people to share a few words about their experiences in dealing with Miss Kimberlee, LLC. Feel free to leave your testimonial by emailing!!!! Be sure to leave your name, your age, and your comment and you may find it HERE!!! We would love to hear from you!!!!!


~Miss Kimberlee~


  You are a great person who actually cares about others and helps them get to where they need to be. Kim, you are really loved! 

Your title as social worker fits you well. There isn't a time I have called you and you didn't have an answer to my question. If you didn't have the answer you would guide me in the right direction. Love you!

- Tammy Dunn, 49





Kim, you go beyond the call of duty. You are the! 


You know you were a very special social worker [in your previous position] and I miss you dearly. I  wish you would come back. You always return my calls and was always there to pick me up when I fall.




Loyalty and determination are just two of the many wonderful characteristics that come to mind when I think of you!​ 



You are a forward thinking person who cares for all youth and the impact they can have on our future.​



- Darlene Henderson, 42
- Kathy Schmidt-Wagster, 43
- Sherman Meriwether, 54
- Sherill A. Jones, not disclosed
- Denise Poindexter-Johnson, 45
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